package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import com.wireguard.config.Config; import com.wireguard.config.IPCidr; import com.wireguard.config.Interface; import com.wireguard.config.Peer; import com.wireguard.crypto.KeyEncoding; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java9.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; public final class GoBackend implements Backend { private static final String TAG = "WireGuard/" + GoBackend.class.getSimpleName(); private static CompletableFuture vpnService = new CompletableFuture<>(); static { System.loadLibrary("wg-go"); } private Context context; private Tunnel currentTunnel; private int currentTunnelHandle = -1; public GoBackend(Context context) { this.context = context; } private static native int wgGetSocketV4(int handle); private static native int wgGetSocketV6(int handle); private static native void wgTurnOff(int handle); private static native int wgTurnOn(String ifName, int tunFd, String settings); @Override public Config applyConfig(final Tunnel tunnel, final Config config) throws Exception { if (tunnel.getState() == State.UP) { // Restart the tunnel to apply the new config. setStateInternal(tunnel, tunnel.getConfig(), State.DOWN); try { setStateInternal(tunnel, config, State.UP); } catch (final Exception e) { // The new configuration didn't work, so try to go back to the old one. setStateInternal(tunnel, tunnel.getConfig(), State.UP); throw e; } } return config; } @Override public Set enumerate() { if (currentTunnel != null) { final Set runningTunnels = new ArraySet<>(); runningTunnels.add(currentTunnel.getName()); return runningTunnels; } return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public State getState(final Tunnel tunnel) { return currentTunnel == tunnel ? State.UP : State.DOWN; } @Override public Statistics getStatistics(final Tunnel tunnel) { return new Statistics(); } @Override public State setState(final Tunnel tunnel, State state) throws Exception { final State originalState = getState(tunnel); if (state == State.TOGGLE) state = originalState == State.UP ? State.DOWN : State.UP; if (state == originalState) return originalState; if (state == State.UP && currentTunnel != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Only one userspace tunnel can run at a time"); Log.d(TAG, "Changing tunnel " + tunnel.getName() + " to state " + state); setStateInternal(tunnel, tunnel.getConfig(), state); return getState(tunnel); } private void setStateInternal(final Tunnel tunnel, final Config config, final State state) throws Exception { if (state == State.UP) { Log.i(TAG, "Bringing tunnel up"); if (VpnService.prepare(context) != null) throw new Exception("VPN service not authorized by user"); VpnService service; if (!vpnService.isDone()) startVpnService(); try { service = vpnService.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to start Android VPN service"); } if (currentTunnelHandle != -1) { Log.w(TAG, "Tunnel already up"); return; } // Build config Formatter fmt = new Formatter(new StringBuilder()); final Interface iface = config.getInterface(); fmt.format("replace_peers=true\n"); if (iface.getPrivateKey() != null) fmt.format("private_key=%s\n", KeyEncoding.keyToHex(KeyEncoding.keyFromBase64(iface.getPrivateKey()))); if (iface.getListenPort() != 0) fmt.format("listen_port=%d\n", config.getInterface().getListenPort()); for (final Peer peer : config.getPeers()) { if (peer.getPublicKey() != null) fmt.format("public_key=%s\n", KeyEncoding.keyToHex(KeyEncoding.keyFromBase64(peer.getPublicKey()))); if (peer.getPreSharedKey() != null) fmt.format("preshared_key=%s\n", KeyEncoding.keyToHex(KeyEncoding.keyFromBase64(peer.getPreSharedKey()))); if (peer.getEndpoint() != null) fmt.format("endpoint=%s\n", peer.getResolvedEndpointString()); if (peer.getPersistentKeepalive() != 0) fmt.format("persistent_keepalive_interval=%d\n", peer.getPersistentKeepalive()); for (final IPCidr addr : peer.getAllowedIPs()) { fmt.format("allowed_ip=%s\n", addr.toString()); } } // Create the vpn tunnel with android API VpnService.Builder builder = service.getBuilder(); builder.setSession(tunnel.getName()); for (final IPCidr addr : config.getInterface().getAddresses()) builder.addAddress(addr.getAddress(), addr.getCidr()); for (final InetAddress addr : config.getInterface().getDnses()) builder.addDnsServer(addr.getHostAddress()); for (final Peer peer : config.getPeers()) { for (final IPCidr addr : peer.getAllowedIPs()) builder.addRoute(addr.getAddress(), addr.getCidr()); } int mtu = config.getInterface().getMtu(); if (mtu == 0) mtu = 1280; builder.setMtu(mtu); builder.setBlocking(true); ParcelFileDescriptor tun = builder.establish(); if (tun == null) throw new Exception("Unable to create tun device"); currentTunnelHandle = wgTurnOn(tunnel.getName(), tun.detachFd(), fmt.toString()); if (currentTunnelHandle < 0) throw new Exception("Unable to turn tunnel on (wgTurnOn return " + currentTunnelHandle + ")"); currentTunnel = tunnel; service.protect(wgGetSocketV4(currentTunnelHandle)); service.protect(wgGetSocketV6(currentTunnelHandle)); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Bringing tunnel down"); if (currentTunnelHandle == -1) { Log.w(TAG, "Tunnel already down"); return; } wgTurnOff(currentTunnelHandle); currentTunnel = null; currentTunnelHandle = -1; } } private void startVpnService() { context.startService(new Intent(context, VpnService.class)); } public static class VpnService extends { public Builder getBuilder() { return new Builder(); } @Override public void onCreate() { vpnService.complete(this); super.onCreate(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { for (final Tunnel tunnel : Application.getComponent().getTunnelManager().getTunnels()) { if (tunnel != null && tunnel.getState() != State.DOWN) tunnel.setState(State.DOWN); } vpnService = vpnService.newIncompleteFuture(); super.onDestroy(); } } }