/* * Copyright © 2018 Samuel Holland * Copyright © 2018 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ package com.wireguard.config; import android.databinding.BaseObservable; import android.databinding.Bindable; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import com.wireguard.android.BR; import com.wireguard.crypto.Keypair; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Represents the configuration for a WireGuard interface (an [Interface] block). */ public class Interface { private final List addressList; private final List dnsList; private final List excludedApplications; @Nullable private Keypair keypair; private int listenPort; private int mtu; public Interface() { addressList = new ArrayList<>(); dnsList = new ArrayList<>(); excludedApplications = new ArrayList<>(); } private void addAddresses(@Nullable final String[] addresses) { if (addresses != null && addresses.length > 0) { for (final String addr : addresses) { if (addr.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address is empty"); addressList.add(new InetNetwork(addr)); } } } private void addDnses(@Nullable final String[] dnses) { if (dnses != null && dnses.length > 0) { for (final String dns : dnses) { dnsList.add(InetAddresses.parse(dns)); } } } private void addExcludedApplications(@Nullable final String[] applications) { if (applications != null && applications.length > 0) { excludedApplications.addAll(Arrays.asList(applications)); } } @Nullable private String getAddressString() { if (addressList.isEmpty()) return null; return Attribute.iterableToString(addressList); } public InetNetwork[] getAddresses() { return addressList.toArray(new InetNetwork[addressList.size()]); } @Nullable private String getDnsString() { if (dnsList.isEmpty()) return null; return Attribute.iterableToString(getDnsStrings()); } private List getDnsStrings() { final List strings = new ArrayList<>(); for (final InetAddress addr : dnsList) strings.add(addr.getHostAddress()); return strings; } public InetAddress[] getDnses() { return dnsList.toArray(new InetAddress[dnsList.size()]); } @Nullable private String getExcludedApplicationsString() { if (excludedApplications.isEmpty()) return null; return Attribute.iterableToString(excludedApplications); } public String[] getExcludedApplications() { return excludedApplications.toArray(new String[excludedApplications.size()]); } public int getListenPort() { return listenPort; } @Nullable private String getListenPortString() { if (listenPort == 0) return null; return Integer.valueOf(listenPort).toString(); } public int getMtu() { return mtu; } @Nullable private String getMtuString() { if (mtu == 0) return null; return Integer.toString(mtu); } @Nullable public String getPrivateKey() { if (keypair == null) return null; return keypair.getPrivateKey(); } @Nullable public String getPublicKey() { if (keypair == null) return null; return keypair.getPublicKey(); } public void parse(final String line) { final Attribute key = Attribute.match(line); if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unable to parse line: \"%s\"", line)); switch (key) { case ADDRESS: addAddresses(key.parseList(line)); break; case DNS: addDnses(key.parseList(line)); break; case EXCLUDED_APPLICATIONS: addExcludedApplications(key.parseList(line)); break; case LISTEN_PORT: setListenPortString(key.parse(line)); break; case MTU: setMtuString(key.parse(line)); break; case PRIVATE_KEY: setPrivateKey(key.parse(line)); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(line); } } private void setAddressString(@Nullable final String addressString) { addressList.clear(); addAddresses(Attribute.stringToList(addressString)); } private void setDnsString(@Nullable final String dnsString) { dnsList.clear(); addDnses(Attribute.stringToList(dnsString)); } private void setExcludedApplicationsString(@Nullable final String applicationsString) { excludedApplications.clear(); addExcludedApplications(Attribute.stringToList(applicationsString)); } private void setListenPort(final int listenPort) { this.listenPort = listenPort; } private void setListenPortString(@Nullable final String port) { if (port != null && !port.isEmpty()) setListenPort(Integer.parseInt(port, 10)); else setListenPort(0); } private void setMtu(final int mtu) { this.mtu = mtu; } private void setMtuString(@Nullable final String mtu) { if (mtu != null && !mtu.isEmpty()) setMtu(Integer.parseInt(mtu, 10)); else setMtu(0); } private void setPrivateKey(@Nullable String privateKey) { if (privateKey != null && privateKey.isEmpty()) privateKey = null; keypair = privateKey == null ? null : new Keypair(privateKey); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("[Interface]\n"); if (!addressList.isEmpty()) sb.append(Attribute.ADDRESS.composeWith(addressList)); if (!dnsList.isEmpty()) sb.append(Attribute.DNS.composeWith(getDnsStrings())); if (!excludedApplications.isEmpty()) sb.append(Attribute.EXCLUDED_APPLICATIONS.composeWith(excludedApplications)); if (listenPort != 0) sb.append(Attribute.LISTEN_PORT.composeWith(listenPort)); if (mtu != 0) sb.append(Attribute.MTU.composeWith(mtu)); if (keypair != null) sb.append(Attribute.PRIVATE_KEY.composeWith(keypair.getPrivateKey())); return sb.toString(); } public static class Observable extends BaseObservable implements Parcelable { public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public Observable createFromParcel(final Parcel in) { return new Observable(in); } @Override public Observable[] newArray(final int size) { return new Observable[size]; } }; @Nullable private String addresses; @Nullable private String dnses; @Nullable private String excludedApplications; @Nullable private String listenPort; @Nullable private String mtu; @Nullable private String privateKey; @Nullable private String publicKey; public Observable(@Nullable final Interface parent) { if (parent != null) loadData(parent); } private Observable(final Parcel in) { addresses = in.readString(); dnses = in.readString(); publicKey = in.readString(); privateKey = in.readString(); listenPort = in.readString(); mtu = in.readString(); excludedApplications = in.readString(); } public void commitData(final Interface parent) { parent.setAddressString(addresses); parent.setDnsString(dnses); parent.setExcludedApplicationsString(excludedApplications); parent.setPrivateKey(privateKey); parent.setListenPortString(listenPort); parent.setMtuString(mtu); loadData(parent); notifyChange(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public void generateKeypair() { final Keypair keypair = new Keypair(); privateKey = keypair.getPrivateKey(); publicKey = keypair.getPublicKey(); notifyPropertyChanged(BR.privateKey); notifyPropertyChanged(BR.publicKey); } @Nullable @Bindable public String getAddresses() { return addresses; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getDnses() { return dnses; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getExcludedApplications() { return excludedApplications; } @Bindable public int getExcludedApplicationsCount() { return Attribute.stringToList(excludedApplications).length; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getListenPort() { return listenPort; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getMtu() { return mtu; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } @Nullable @Bindable public String getPublicKey() { return publicKey; } private void loadData(final Interface parent) { addresses = parent.getAddressString(); dnses = parent.getDnsString(); excludedApplications = parent.getExcludedApplicationsString(); publicKey = parent.getPublicKey(); privateKey = parent.getPrivateKey(); listenPort = parent.getListenPortString(); mtu = parent.getMtuString(); } public void setAddresses(final String addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.addresses); } public void setDnses(final String dnses) { this.dnses = dnses; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.dnses); } public void setExcludedApplications(final String excludedApplications) { this.excludedApplications = excludedApplications; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.excludedApplications); notifyPropertyChanged(BR.excludedApplicationsCount); } public void setListenPort(final String listenPort) { this.listenPort = listenPort; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.listenPort); } public void setMtu(final String mtu) { this.mtu = mtu; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.mtu); } public void setPrivateKey(final String privateKey) { this.privateKey = privateKey; try { publicKey = new Keypair(privateKey).getPublicKey(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) { publicKey = ""; } notifyPropertyChanged(BR.privateKey); notifyPropertyChanged(BR.publicKey); } @Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags) { dest.writeString(addresses); dest.writeString(dnses); dest.writeString(publicKey); dest.writeString(privateKey); dest.writeString(listenPort); dest.writeString(mtu); dest.writeString(excludedApplications); } } }