# Wintun Network Adapter ### TUN Device Driver for Windows This is a layer 3 TUN driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Originally created for [WireGuard](https://www.wireguard.com/), it is intended to be useful to a wide variety of projects that require layer 3 tunneling devices with implementations primarily in userspace. ## Build Requirements - [Visual Studio 2017](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/) - [Windows Driver Kit for Windows 10](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/download-the-wdk) ## Digital Signing Digital signing is integral part of the build process. By default, the driver will be test-signed using a certificate that the WDK should automatically generate. To subsequently load the driver, you will need to put your computer into test mode by executing as Administrator `bcdedit /set testsigning on`. If you possess an EV certificate for kernel mode code signing you should switch TUN driver digital signing from test-signing to production-signing by authoring your `wintun.vcxproj.user` file to look something like this: ```xml ProductionSign $(WDKContentRoot)CrossCertificates\DigiCert_High_Assurance_EV_Root_CA.crt CN=WireGuard LLC, O=WireGuard LLC, L=Boulder, S=Colorado, C=US, SERIALNUMBER=4227913, OID. Organization, OID., OID. | DF98E075A012ED8C86FBCF14854B8F9555CB3D45 ``` Modify the `` to contain the full path to the cross-signing certificate of CA that issued your certificate. You should be able to find its `.crt` file in `C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\CrossCertificates`. Note that the `$(WDKContentRoot)` expands to `C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\`. If you already have `wintun.vcxproj.user` file, just add the `` section.