/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk/bin/java -javaagent:/usr/share/idea/lib/idea_rt.jar=40507:/usr/share/idea/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/hesham/Dev/EE364-lab/lab-0/out/production/lab-0 TestMyGame Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 10 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 3 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 4 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 9 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 14 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 15 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 2 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 5 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 6 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 6 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 9 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 8 Guess any numeric value from 1 to 15 7 You won after 13try/tries Process finished with exit code 0